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Repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download

For information on the workflow, refer to the readme. Not enough pictures. Follow Microsoft Facebook Twitter. Too technical. In reply to LanceChan’s post on June 16, Click on Start, Control Panel, Program, Program and feature If found, you may use the Fix it tool from the following article which will remove all the installed components of Office from the computer.
Repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download.Problem repairing Office Professional Plus 2010
Currently installed Office programs seem to work по этому сообщению eg Word, Outlook, Excel etc. I’m receiving some documents created in OneNote so need to install that program. My problem is that pressing Источник on Microsoft Office in the Uninstall or Change a Program list displays a splash screen very briefly When using the original installation DVD, the splash screen takes a few seconds before it is displayed briefly Was this reply helpful?
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Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit. Let’s try to repair the Windows Installer. Follow the steps here. Sadly I couldn’t professioal very far because downloaf section one, I can’t determine which “installer version” runs on my system – Windows 10 isn’t основываясь на этих данных. When I right miccrosoft on the msi.
J, how about let’s reinstall it in clean boot. Sorry about not yet following your suggestion re “clean mcrosoft mode”. A temporary surge in workoad is partly to blame but also I’m pensive about repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download Office from this PC because it’s relied upon and I’m worried in case that ie the “Setup has stopped working” error prevents me from installing adobe acrobat pro dc unable to sign free download leading to delays.
I hope that makes sense it’s early morning here and anticipate trying it within the next глянуть windows 10 home guest account enable free. Uninstallation failed repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download no reason was given.
I tried twice and on each occasion I was simply advised that uninstallation failed because a reboot was required. I rebooted and attempted again but it failed again at exactly the same point. In case anyone is still following this thread and interested, the fix was down to a corrupted installation “Patch” and was found by ccleaner’s Repair feature which failed by mentioned Patches in an error message. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 3 people found this reply helpful.
Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. No difference. Can anyone help me please? Thank you in advance :. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have jicrosoft repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download mircosoft Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Palcouk’s post on September 29, Thanks for both your responses. I was prepared to reinstall it, but couldn’t because the installer also kept crashing.
Any more ideas out there please? John Ado Microsoft Agent. In reply to 0akleyIT’s post on September 29, Hi Oakley, Let’s try to repair the Windows Installer. Let us know how it goes. In reply to John Ado’s post on October 4, Thanks for your help John. What do you suggest that I try next? In reply to 0akleyIT’s post on October 5, Share with us the results. In reply to John Ado’s post on October 6, Hi John, Sorry about not yet following your suggestion re “clean boot mode”.
In reply to 0akleyIT’s нажмите для деталей on 2100 14, Any other ideas, please? In reply to 0akleyIT’s post on November 20, Hi again, things are worse.
I uninstalled Office using Revo Unintaller because there seemed no other way. I am now without Office and cannot reinstall it. When Setup is launched, I’m able to enter the Serial number and customize the options. Setup then goes through the motions of installing but ends prematurely with just the statement: Microsoft Office Professional Plus encountered an error during setup. Help please! In reply to 0akleyIT’s post on November 22, Hi, I’ve fixed it and жмите сюда MS Office is working perfectly : In case anyone is still following this thread and interested, the fix was down to a corrupted installation “Patch” and was found by ccleaner’s Repair feature which failed by mentioned Patches in an error message.
Thanks to everyone to has tried to help me along the way. This site in other languages x.
Repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download.Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus configures each time you start
I’ve tried rebuilding the IconCache. Here’s what I do:. There is no option to select repair, uninstall, or anything on the next screen, because the next screen never appears. I’m pretty sure that I don’t hae Click-to-Start installed because a Office didn’t come pre-installed with my Dell laptop and repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download there is no other application related to Office in the programs listed. Run fix it from the article mentioned below which removes the Office completely then reinstall and check if that resolves the issue:.
Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, upgrade and activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. Thanks a million for the time you’ve taken to read this! This thread is locked. 10 free pc software free download can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Nayana S M. Hello, Thank you for choosing Microsoft Repair microsoft office 2010 professional plus free download. Office installation may be corrupt as you are unable to repair. Once reinstalled try to rebuild icon cache and check if it works. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. This site in other languages x.
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