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Adobe animate cc actionscript 3.0 free download.Generative Art with Adobe Animate CC and ActionScript 3 – Skill Share
Using ActionScript allows you to create interaction and other capabilities in your FLA files that is not possible with the Timeline alone. Using sound behaviors, prewritten ActionScript 2. Adding a sound using these behaviors creates an instance of the sound, which is then used to control the sound. Enter the linkage identifier and the instance name of the sound you want to play or stop, and click OK.
Use the Sound object in ActionScript 2. For more information, see Creating sound controls in Learning ActionScript 2. The onSoundComplete event of the ActionScript 2. The Sound object is a built-in object that lets you control sounds in a Animate application. For more information, see Sound in the ActionScript 2. The onSoundComplete event of a Sound object is invoked automatically when the attached sound file finishes playing.
If the sound is looped a specified number of times, the event is triggered when the sound finishes looping. The Sound object has two properties that you can use with the onSoundComplete event.
The duration property is a read-only property representing the duration, in milliseconds, of the sound sample attached to the sound object. The position property is a read-only property representing the number of milliseconds the sound has been playing in each loop.
The onSoundComplete event lets you manipulate sounds in a many ways, such as the following:. Creating a multimedia presentation that checks for narration completion before advancing to the next frame or scene. Building a game that synchronizes sounds to particular events or scenes and transitions smoothly between different sounds.
Timing an image change to a sound—for example, changing an image when a sound is halfway through at playback time. With this version, when you load an mp3 sound using the ActionScript 2. The onID3 event executes when the ID3 data is initialized. Flash Player 6 6. With ID3 v1.
If a sound does not contain an ID3v1 tag, the ID3 properties are undefined. Users must have Flash Player 6 6. For more information on using the ID3 properties, see id3 Sound. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Sound and ActionScript Search. Go to Adobe Animate User Guide. Last updated on Also Applies to Adobe Animate. Animate only ActionScript 2.
Control sounds using behaviors. ActionScript 3. Load a sound to a file using a behavior. Select the object, such as a button, that you want to use to trigger the behavior.
In the Load Sound dialog box, enter the linkage identifier for a sound from the Library, or the sound location for a streaming mp3 file. Next, enter a name for this instance of the sound, and click OK. In the Behaviors panel under event, click On Release the default event , and select a mouse event from the menu.
If you want to use the OnRelease event, do not change the option. Play or stop sounds using a behavior. In the dialog box that appears, do one of the following:. Click OK to verify that you want to stop all sounds. In the Behaviors panel under Event, click On Release the default event and select a mouse event from the menu.
Control sounds with the ActionScript 2. Select the sound in the Library panel. Select Linkage from the Panel menu in the upper-right corner of the panel, or right-click Windows or Control-click Macintosh the sound name in the Library panel and select Linkage from the context menu.
Enter an identifier string in the box, and click OK. About the ActionScript 2. Creating a dynamic playlist or sequencer Creating a multimedia presentation that checks for narration completion before advancing to the next frame or scene Building a game that synchronizes sounds to particular events or scenes and transitions smoothly between different sounds Timing an image change to a sound—for example, changing an image when a sound is halfway through at playback time.
Accessing ID3 properties in mp3 files with Flash Player. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick Links View your apps Manage your plans.
Edit and debug ActionScript – Software description
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