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Autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download

The Content Center database contains overparts and covers 18 international standards. Content Center parts are organized in libraries. Use the Content Center browser or Eownload to find a particular part.
The Autodesk Inventor installation provides a set of standard Content Center libraries. They по ссылке standard parts fasteners, steel shapes, shaft parts, and so on and features.
You can expand standard libraries and create user libraries with your custom content. Use Content Center Editor to customize content copied from a standard library to a user library. Use Content Center Publishing to publish new parts features to a user library.
You can work with Content Center as downloac stand-alone user libraries are saved locally on your computer or as a member of a workgroup libraries are shared on a library server. Before you autovesk using Content Center, set up Autodesk Inventor and Content Center libraries to correspond with your needs.
The Content Center configuration is a part of Project settings and controls the internal setting of libraries within Content Center. You change the Content Center configuration autoresk the Configure Libraries dialog box accessed from the Project dialog box. The following libraries are available and can be installed with Autodesk Inventor :. If you work as a stand-alone user, install Content Center libraries to your Desktop Content folder.
To choose specific libraries to install, clear the selection of the libraries you do not use in the Select Content Center libraries dialog box. To remove an installed standard library from the library configuration, use the Configure Libraries dialog box. To add a standard library, rerun the Autodesk Inventor installation wizard.
If you work in a shared environment, install the Autodesk server without installing Autodesk Inventor and the Content Center libraries on a computer connected по этой ссылке the network.
Use this computer as a server for Content Center libraries. The Content Center libraries can be then shared. The default Autodesk Inventor нажмите чтобы прочитать больше are read-only and cannot be edited. Imventor read-only status cannot be changed for these libraries. The Supplier Content Center provides users of Autodesk Inventor with one central location autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download access manufacturer-specific content from aautodesk suppliers worldwide.
All accessible data are viewed as one database in Content Center. If some Content Center library families with the same data are available in more than one library, these families are displayed only once in Content Center.
If you use a shared library and the library is updated, you can refresh the view of content in the dialog downlozd. This option also clears the part templates and other files from the cache memory folder. To make sure that all standard components instanced in an assembly are up-to-date, use the Refresh Standard Components command. The basic component autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download a Content Center library is a family part family or feature family.
A family contains family members that have the same template and family properties and represent size variations of a part or feature. A family is the ultimate target in the Content Center library and cannot be subcategorized. Families are arranged in categories in Content Center Library. A category is a logical grouping of part types. For example, studs autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download hex head bolts are functionally related and therefore nested under autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download Bolts category.
A category can contain subcategories and can contain families. The Content Center library autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download contains data that is required to create part files for Content Center library parts. The data is: Parametric. The Content Center library usually contains several sets of parameter values for one part family.
Every set of parameters defines one size dimensions of the Content Center library part. After the family is copied, it can be edited. Placed standard Content Center parts are read-only. Use Content Center autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download to edit them. You can replace the existing part in the assembly, or you can insert a new instance of the edited part.
Use the Change Size command to open the family dialog box, and такое mcpe windows 10 думаю another family member to replace the original part. Note: Content Center features are various geometric shapes, such as cones, cylinders, and spheres, in both English and Metric sizes.
Features are placed in Autodesk Inventor part files. Define Filters to specify which content displays in Content Center. Create a list of favorite components in Content Center Favorites. Insert a Content Center feature in a part by using the Place Feature dialog box. Replace a part in an assembly with a Content Center part by using the Replace from Content Center tool.
Change size of standard Content Center parts placed in an assembly by using the Change Size tool. Use Content Center parts to work with component generators included in Design Accelerator for example venter create a bolted connection or shaft. Edit data in a Content Center library, for example family properties, family invntor, family templates, or file names by using Content Center Editor.
Content Center configuration You can work with Content Center as a stand-alone user libraries are saved locally on your computer or as a member of a workgroup libraries are shared on a library server.
Tip: If your Content Center libraries are stored on a server, the server administrator must set up the library server first. Tip: The Content Center database is extensive. To optimize hard disk space and enhance performance dowload Content Center, we recommend that you install only required libraries. Design products faster with online access to millions of native Autodesk Inventor models.
Reduce errors by bringing in accurate, up-to-date component models. Build your own internal Autodesk Inventor Content Center by adding commonly used parts from your favorite suppliers. Tip: To identify the storage library for a part feature family, open the Family Information tab of the Content Member Selection panel.
Then view the Component Library field. Structure of a Content Center library The basic component in a Content Center library is a family part family or feature family. Data saved in a Content Center autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download The Content Center library database contains data that is required to create part files for Content Center library parts.
Standard parts placed in an assembly Placed standard Content Center parts are read-only. Parent topic: Content Center.
Autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download. Content Center Installation and Setup
Manage Content Center libraries by using the server console. Use the server console to create, attach, import, export, detach, and delete Content Center libraries, and to change a library status.
Administrative tasks are performed sony vegas 13 guide free the computer hosting the Content Center libraries by using the Server Console. You must vownload administrator permissions to change the library configuration on the server. To change the status of a user-created library, right-click on the library, and select Read Only.
You can attach a library to the server, if the library is saved at the same folder as the existing libraries. If the library you want to add is saved in a different folder the library must be imported. Scenario example: A vendor has created content for your use and has copied the. Use the Import command to copy these files from the CD to the location of the server on the computer hosting the libraries. Use the Detach command to remove a library from the library server configuration.
The detached library is not deleted посмотреть больше can be attached later. Use the Autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download command to delete a library from the memory storage.
If you want only to remove the library from the library server, use the Detach command. You can change the status only for user-created Content Center libraries. The libraries installed by default with Autodesk Inventor Content Center are read-only, and the status cannot be autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download.
Use the Copy command to copy a library from one partition to another. Manage Content Center libraries by using the server console Use the server console to create, attach, import, export, detach, autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download delete Content Center libraries, and to change a library status.
Create a library Run the server console. In autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download server console window, expand the root, and right-click the Libraries entry.
Choose Create Library from the menu. Enter the library name in the Create library dialog box, and click OK. A new libraties is created. Attach a library You can attach a library to the server, if the library is saved at the same folder as the existing libraries. Run the server console. Choose Attach Library from the menu. Select the Library you want to attach, and click OK.
Tip: Use Attach to reattach downloav library you have already detached. Detach a library Use the Detach command to remove a library from the library server configuration. In the server console window, expand the root and the Libraries folder, and right-click the library to detach.
Choose Detach from the menu. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to detach the library from the server. Delete a library Use the Delete command to delete a library from the memory storage. In the server console window, expand the root and the Libraries folder, and right-click the library to delete.
Choose Delete from the menu. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to delete the library from the server. Change the status of a user-created library You can change the status only for user-created Content Center libraries.
In the server console window, expand the root and the Libraries folder, and right-click the autodesk inventor 2016 content center libraries download free download to edit the status. Select Read Only from the diwnload to set the library to be read-only. Note: The icon displayed in front of the library name indicates the library status. Copy a library to a partition Use the Copy command to copy a library from one partition to another.
Note: To support Side-by-Side installation, the Autodesk server maintains Content Center libraries that were built for different Autodesk Inventor versions. Older libraries are saved in the corresponding Partition of the Autodesk server, and are used ligraries the corresponding version of Autodesk Inventor with Client Update patch.
Note: Legacy user libraries are imported into the corresponding server partition. To use legacy libraries in Autodesk Inventoryou must copy them into the Autodesk Inventor contennt on the server, and then update them by using the Update Tool. For more information, see the Update Content Center libraries procedure.
Parent topic: Content Center invehtor stored on a server.