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Numbers is a spreadsheet application developed by Apple Inc. The iPad version was released on January 27, Numbers uses a free-form “canvas” approach that demotes tables to one of many different media types placed on a page. Other media, like charts, graphics, and text, are treated as peers. In comparison, traditional spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel use the table as the primary container, with other media placed within the table.
Numbers also includes features from the seminal Lotus Improv , notably the use of formulas based on ranges rather than cells. However, it implements these using traditional spreadsheet concepts, as opposed to Improv’s use of multidimensional databases.
Numbers also includes numerous stylistic improvements to improve the visual appearance of spreadsheets. At its introductory demonstration, Steve Jobs pitched a more usable interface and better control over the appearance and presentation of tables of data.
Numbers works in a fashion somewhat different from traditional spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or Lotus In the traditional model, the table is the first-class citizen of the system, acting as both the primary interface for work and as the container for other types of media like charts or digital images.
In effect, the spreadsheet and the table are the same. In contrast, Numbers uses a separate “canvas” as its basic container object and tables are among the many objects that can be placed within the canvas. This difference is not simply a case of syntax. To provide a large workspace, conventional spreadsheets extend a table in X and Y to form a very large grid — ideally infinite, but normally limited to some smaller dimension. Data is manipulated using formulas, which are placed in other cells in the same sheet and output their results back into the formula cell’s display.
The rest of the sheet is “sparse”, currently unused. Sheets often grow very complex with input data, intermediate values from formulas, and output areas, separated by blank areas. To manage this complexity, Excel allows one to hide data that is not of interest, [9] often intermediate values.
Quattro Pro commonly introduced the idea of multiple sheets in a single book, allowing further subdivision of the data; Excel implements this as a set of tabs along the bottom of the workbook. In contrast, Numbers does not have an underlying spreadsheet in the traditional sense but uses multiple individual tables for this purpose. Each section of data or output from formulas can be combined into an existing table or placed into a new table.
Tables can be collected by the user onto single or multiple canvases. Whereas a typical Excel sheet has data strewn across it, a Numbers canvas could build the same output through smaller individual tables encompassing the same data.
Consider a simple spreadsheet used to calculate the average value of all car sales in a month for a given year. The sheet might contain the month number or name in column A, the number of cars sold in column B, and the total income in column C.
The user wishes to complete the task of “calculating the average income per car sold by dividing the total income by the number of cars sold and putting the resulting average in column D”.
From the user’s perspective, the values in the cells have semantic content, they are “cars sold” and “total income” and they want to manipulate this to produce an output value, “average price”.
In traditional spreadsheets, the semantic value of the numbers is lost. The number in cell B2 is not “the number of cars sold in January”, but simply “the value in cell B2”. As the spreadsheet is unaware of the user’s desire for D to be an output column, the user copies that formula into all of the cells in D. However, as the formula refers to data on different rows, it must be modified as it is copied into the cells in D, changing it to refer to the correct row.
Excel automates this later task by using a relative referencing system that works as long as the cells retain their location relative to the formula. However, this system requires Excel to track any changes to the layout of the sheet and adjust the formulas, a process that is far from foolproof. During the development of Improv , the Lotus team discovered that these sorts of formulas were both difficult to use and resistant to future changes in the spreadsheet layout.
These data ranges were known as “categories”. Formulas were written by referring to these categories by name, creating a new category that could be if desired placed in the sheet for display. Changes to the layout of the sheet would not affect the formulas; the data remains defined no matter where it is moved. It also meant that formulas calculating intermediate values did not have to be placed in the sheet and normally did not take up room.
The downside to Improv’s approach is that it demanded more information from the user up-front and was considered less suitable for “quick and dirty” calculations or basic list building. Numbers uses a hybrid approach to the creation of formulas, supporting the use of named data like Improv, but implementing them in-sheet like Excel. In basic operation, Numbers can be used just like Excel; data can be typed anywhere and formulas can be created by referring to the data by its cell.
However, if the user types a header into the table, something one normally does as a matter of course, Numbers uses this to automatically construct a named range for the cells on that row or column.
For instance, if the user types “month” into A1 and then types the names “January”, “February”, etc. The same is true when the user types in the figures for “sales” and “income”.
The formula will find the appropriate data and calculate the results independent of the row. Similar to Improv, formulas can be represented as icons in Numbers, allowing them to be dragged about the sheets. One noteworthy example of this is a sidebar that contains the sum, average, and other basic calculations for the current selection in the active table. These serve a function similar to the sum that appears at the bottom of the window in Microsoft Excel.
However, the user can drag one of the function icons from the sidebar into the sheet to make the calculation appear in that location. Numbers ’09 contains built-in functions that can be used in formulas. Numbers ’09 includes a system for categorizing data similar to pivot tables. Pivots were introduced in Improv and were manipulated by dragging the category headers, [17] allowing the user to quickly rotate rows into columns or vice versa. Although Numbers has similar draggable objects representing formulas, they are not used for this feature and the direct manipulation is missing.
Instead, Numbers places pop-up menus in the column headers allowing the user to collapse multiple rows into totals sums, averages, etc. This is similar functionality to a pivot table but lacks the ease of re-arrangement of the Improv model and other advanced features. Numbers 5.
Pivot tables were later added to Numbers As Numbers uses the canvas as the basis for the document, media is not tied to the tables; one could build a Numbers canvas that contains a collection of photographs but no tables. In typical use, one or more tables are placed on the canvas and sized and styled to show only the data of interest. Charts and labels are commonly positioned around the tables.
Other media, like photographs or illustrations, can be added as well. Like other products in the iWork suite, Numbers includes a variety of styles and layouts designed by professional illustrators. Opening an Excel sheet in Numbers results in a display with smooth fonts, clean layout and color selections. These can then be modified, optionally using one of the supplied templates, and saved out to Excel format again with these styles intact.
Numbers also allows sheets to be emailed in Excel format in a single step or shared through Numbers for iCloud. Numbers has been well received in the press, notably for its text-based formulas, clean look, and ease of use.
They did point out several common issues, especially problems exporting to Excel and the inability to “lock” cells to prevent them from moving when the table is scrolled. However, version 3. Versions 4 and 5 of the software put many of these features back as well as adding many new features and functionalities. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Spreadsheet application by Apple Inc. List of languages. This section contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links , and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. February Learn how and when to remove this template message.
Excel has changed its maximum size many times, originally 16, rows by columns, while other programs of the same era often compared themselves by increasing this, e. WingZ was 32, by 32, for instance. Mac App Store. App Store. Retrieved November 15, Apple Inc. Archived from the original on July 22, Retrieved June 13, Numbers starts you off with a blank canvas instead of an endless grid, so you have the freedom to move everything around your canvas at will and organize your data any way you choose.
Apple Support. Trusted Reviews. Building Basic Formulas in Excel. The best software writing. Formats for cell references. Retrieved May 16, Archived from the original on February 6, Microsoft Office.
Archived from the original on August 30, Archived from the original on June 20, Retrieved October 9, Archived from the original on April 4, Archived from the original on September 30, Archived from the original on July 6,
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