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KB Update for Windows Update Service components – Microsoft Support

ГЛАВА 83 Беккеровская «веспа», без сомнения, была самым миниатюрным транспортным средством, когда-либо передвигавшимся по шоссе, ведущему в севильский аэропорт. Наибольшая скорость, которую она развивала, достигала 50 миль в час, причем делала это со страшным воем, напоминая скорее циркулярную пилу, а не мотоцикл, и, увы, ей не хватало слишком много лошадиных сил, чтобы взмыть в воздух.
В боковое зеркало заднего вида он увидел, как такси выехало на темное шоссе в сотне метров позади него и сразу же стало сокращать дистанцию.
Windows 10, version 21H1 | Microsoft Learn
Ш-ш-ш, – утешал он. – Это. Теперь все в порядке. Сьюзан не могла унять дрожь.
July 16, —KB (OS Build )
Note Follow WindowsUpdate to find out when new content is published to the release information dashboard. For more information about the various types of Windows updates, such as critical, security, driver, service packs, etc. Authentication requests for services that use unconstrained delegation over the listed trust types will fail when you request new tickets.
Administrators should reconfigure the affected services to use resource-based constrained delegation. For more information, see KB Updates an issue with a tilted world some Mixed Reality users may see after connecting their headsets. Updates to improve security when using Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, wireless technologies, and Microsoft Office products. Provides protections against a variant CVE of the Spectre Variant 1 speculative execution side channel vulnerability.
Addresses an issue that may cause BitLocker to go into recovery mode if BitLocker is being provisioned at the same time as updates are being installed. Addresses an issue that may cause Mixed Reality users to see a tilted world after connecting their headsets. If you installed earlier updates, only the new fixes contained in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device. For more information about the resolved security vulnerabilities, please refer to the Security Update Guide.
Microsoft has released an update directly to the Windows Update client to improve reliability. Any device running Windows 10 configured to receive updates automatically from Windows Update, including Enterprise and Pro editions, will be offered the latest Windows 10 feature update based on device compatibility and Windows Update for Business deferral policy. This doesn’t apply to long-term servicing editions.
This issue is resolved in KB This does not affect manual only VPN profiles or connections. After installing this update, opening or using the Window-Eyes screen reader app may result in an error and some features may not function as expected. Devices connected to a domain that is configured to use MIT Kerberos realms may not start up or may continue to restart after installation of this update. Devices that are domain controllers or domain members are both affected. If you are not sure if your device is affected, contact your administrator.
Microsoft strongly recommends you install the latest servicing stack update SSU for your operating system before installing the latest cumulative update LCU.
SSUs improve the reliability of the update process to mitigate potential issues while installing the LCU and applying Microsoft security fixes. For more information, see Servicing stack updates.
To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website. For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update Table of contents. Windows 10, version 21H1 update history. Windows 10, version 20H2 and Windows Server, version 20H2 update history.
Windows 10, version and Windows Server, version update history. Windows 10, version , Windows Server, version , and Windows Server update history. Windows 10, version update history. Windows 10, version and Windows Server update history. Windows 10 initial version released July update history. Release Date:. OS Build Windows Update Improvements Microsoft has released an update directly to the Windows Update client to improve reliability. Need more help? Expand your skills.
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Release Channel. Next Step. This update will be downloaded and installed automatically from Windows Update.