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– Microsoft Project Server End of Support Roadmap – Yeo and Yeo
Like smart phones, perhaps, being less about talking on the phone, and more about content on the screen. This thought occurred продолжить чтение me when I was sitting in my home office with 2 PCs, 2 watches and a nicrosoft all within a 90 degree view radius — and every one was showing a different time. How can this be? This is less about making sure you know what the correct time is, and more about making sure for synchronisation purposes your PC setver what time everyone else thinks it is.
Well, to a degree…. If you извиняюсь, windows tool update 10 free download добра an error in the Internet Time settings or if you think your clock is adrift the default time. 本日、Officeの新製品、Office Premium を搭載した PC と、Office Solo が発売となりました。. 新しい Office は、いつでも最高の体験をあなたに提供します。つねに最新バージョンのアプリケーションが使えるうえ、PC やタブレットなど、あらゆるデバイスに対応。好きな場所でスマートに作業ができます。.
各製品に含まれるアプリケーション、サービスについては、 10月1日の発表内容 をご確認ください。. 新しい Office の特長. 新しい Office は、Windows 搭載のデバイスだけでなく、iPad などのタブレットでも利用することができます。PC 版とタブレット版、1 度に 2 つの Office をご利用いただけます。. 新しい Office には、1 TB のオンライン ストレージ サービスがついているので、Word や Excel、PowerPoint などで作成したドキュメントをスムーズに保存できるだけでなく、いつでもどこでもアクセスが可能です。. 新しい Office には、毎月 60 分無料の Skype 世界通話が含まれています。PC やタブレット、スマートフォンなど、さまざまなデバイスを使って、世界 60 以上の国と地域に電話をすることができるので、月々の通話料を減らすこともできます。.
Office 製品サイトは こちら. Office の各種サービスに関する詳しい情報は こちら. Office Solo の1か月間無料試用版は こちら. インストールやセットアップに関する情報は こちら. Summary : Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, talks about using Desired State Configuration to configure Internet Explorer on servers. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is dowwnload.
This morning I decided to use my single-cup tea infuser to make a cup of Orange Cream tea using some leaves Microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download brought back from Germany. I then decided to add a lemon slice to the cup. I should have known better. I personally do not like having a web browser sfrver a server. Of all mifrosoft potential security risks, this one is a biggie. This is why I love the Enhanced Security Configuration in Internet Explorer.
I cannot even surf over to TechNet or to the Script Center Repository with this thing turned on. Of course in my humble opinionthe best configuration for servers is Server Core mode, and then use Windows PowerShell to do everything.
This is where Windows PowerShell comes to the rescue if I have servers with the GUI still installed. I can ensure that at micgosoft Internet Explorer is running dodnload Enhanced Security Configuration. By default, when I finish installing my Windows Server software beginning with Windows ServerEnhanced Security Configuration is set for Internet Explorer. This means that if microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download is microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download off, someone with Administrator rights источник turned it off.
I can confirm this by looking in Server Manager. This is shown here:. The first thing I do is create a configuration. I specify the name, and I import the Desired State Configuration DSC Resource Kit. I then specify my servers and the node as shown here:. Next I use xIEEsc to enable the Enhanced Security Configuration. Microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download want to do this for Administrators and for normal users, so I actually have to specify the call twice.
The parameters are pretty self-evident. На этой странице if I did not know what the parameters were, or if I was unclear as to what the parameter wanted, I can use IntelliSense. This provides IntelliSense for the options available. When I am done, I close out the braces, call the configuration, and start DSC. Here is that portion of code:. That is all there is to using DSC to configure Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration on servers.
This also concludes DSC Resource Kit Week. Join me tomorrow when I will discuss “Why learn Windows PowerShell? I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter microsoft. comor post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, mmicrosoft. There are some key considerations you need to be aware of when configuring your Load Balancer health checks, but if you know about these things, then it should be по этой ссылке straight-forward.
We will also look at new functionality introduced in the August Windows Server R2 Update rollup KB. The main ones we have seen some confusion and issues around are SNI Header and Host Header.
Probably an obvious one but You will want your health requests to be sent to the dedicated IP address of each of the Web Application Proxy farm members. If you are making a health check to an SSL endpoint, after the TCP connection has been established, the Load Balancer will send an SSL Client Hello to initiate the establishment of the SSL tunnel.
Web Application Proxy and AD FS R2 both use Server Name Indication SNI http. sys certificate bindings. sys uses the SNI header in the SSL Client Hello to determine which certificate should be served. This relies on the client больше информации the Server Name extension in the SSL Client Hello. If the SSL Client Hello does not contain the SNI header then http. sys is unable to determine which certificate to serve and will reset the connection.
You therefore need to determine if your Load Balancer supports SNI in its health check requests. If it does downloda SNI then ensuring that the Load Balancer sends the SNI header in the SSL Client Hello is our recommendation. Unfortunately there seems to be limited information microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download around configuring SNI with the common hardware load microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download solutions.
Please see the following blog for more details on when and why SSL termination can cause issues For more details on SNI, how to detect if SNI headers are being sent and for options if your load balancer does not support SNI then peoject see the following blog article Using the 0.
This might seem quite an obvious one, but we have seen a number of issues where the Hardware Load Balancer is sending the dedicated IP address of the farm member as the Host Header.
This can cause health check failures due to the following sys and will not have a registration for the local dedicated IP address. sys will validate that the host header microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download the request matches the SNI header used during the SSL negotiation. It is therefore very important to ensure that your Load Balancer sends the correct service FQDN as the Host Header in the health check request e.
if you are health checking the AD FS Proxy service you would send the ADFS Service FQDN as the host microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download e. For a Web Application Guife published application you would set the host header to the External FQDN of the published application. The following Vuide forum discussion talks about setting the Host header in a Cisco health check probe:. You are therefore health checking not just the availability of the local service, but also the communications to, and availability of, the relevant back-end service.
A failure at the back-end could therefore potentially cause your load balancer to mark a Web Application Proxy node as offline even if other applications are available depending on your HLB configuration. As mentioned above, neither Web Application Proxy, or the AD FS Proxy service serve content themselves and content will be retrieved from the back-end service. For a Web Application Proxy published application, the path specified should be a relevant and valid path on the published application that will return a known response that the hardware load balancer can use for validation e.
If it детальнее на этой странице then make sure the HLB is correctly configured to send an SNI header. If it does not then using the 0. If you are aware of these 2 points and ensure these are taken into account when configuring your Hardware Load Balancer then getting your deployment up and running should be a lot smoother. Disclaimer — while we have provided a couple of links out to HLB vendor sites the best people to advise you how to correctly configure your Hardware Projfct Balancer will be uder relevant vendor.
If you have any questions or doubts about how to correctly configure your Hardware Load Balancer please contact your vendor for advice. The issues generally boil down to a couple of key points and SNI and hardware load balancers particularly seems to fall into the realm of the mysterious and unknown. This avoids any issues with SSL certificates and SNI.
The response to these probe endpoints is an HTTP OK and is server locally with no dependence on back-end services and microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download the availability of the local AD FS and AD FS Proxy services to be checked. Health checks for Web Application Proxy published services would still work as detailed in the earlier part of this blog. These probe endpoints are available by default but on a Web Application Proxy server you will need to create an Inbound Windows Firewall rule to allow the port 80 traffic in to the probe e.
Fuide FS R2 already has microsoft project server 2010 user guide free download Inbound Port 80 rule so you do not need to create a manual Windows Firewall rule to use the HTTP probe against AD FS. While resolving issues with health-checking over SSL due to SNI or host headers issues is relatively straight-forward, it does require that the issues are understood and an accompanying level of information about the associated Hardware Load Dowload configuration.
We hope that providing an HTTP based health check probe option gives an alternate solution that has less complexity to ease your deployments. Hardware Load Balancer health check requests and AD FS R2 and Web Application Proxy should be fairly straight-forward but we have seen some challenges in a couple of specific areas Understanding these and taking them into account during pdoject deployment is important to avoid health check request failures.
If you are unsure about whether your load balancer supports SNI or, how to configure your load balancer to meet the above requirements, please do reach out to your HLB vendor. If you come across any good info on configuring any of the Hardware Load Balancer variants out there or links to relevant vendor configuration steps please feel free to share and comment below. With v3 of PowerShell the Help System delivered a number of improvements. My favourite is the ability to update your help files from the internet, so that you always have the latest and greatest versions.
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Mar 04, · Download Microsoft Office Project Professional for Windows to plan and manage your egory: Project Management Software. Jul 23, · Note: There are multiple files available for this download. Once you click on the “Download” button, you will be prompted to select the files you need. This poster discusses the options you have for upgrading from Project Server or to Project Server Click a download button to copy a file to your computer. Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Project Server This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Project Server Additionally, this Operating System: Windows Server , Windows Server R2.